
Understanding Chest Pain Can Save Lives
How Understanding Chest Pain Can Save Lives by Dr Tan Svenszeat with PRIME Magazine Did you know that having chest pain could represent something serious happening

5 Essential Tips for a Healthy Heart
5 Essential Tips for a Healthy Heart with Dr Tan Svenszeat In this video, Dr Tan Svenszeat shares his top five pieces of advice for maintaining

CT Angiogram & CT Calcium Score
CT Coronary Angiogram Typically, when your doctor needs to check for blockages in your heart’s arteries, a coronary angiogram will be performed. In a coronary angiogram,

Atherothrombosis (AT) is the underlying condition responsible for the greatest number of deaths in Singapore. AT causes heart attack, stroke, coronary artery disease, and peripheral artery disease (narrowing or

Heart Attack
A heart attack, or myocardial infarction, occurs when a coronary arterybecomes completely blocked due to a blood clot or arterial plaque. Part of the heart muscle

Coronary Heart Disease and Agina
Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease in many industrialised countries. It is a result of the narrowing of the coronary arteries

Atherosclerosis – the hardening the arteries – is a progressive disease that causes a persons arteries to narrow and their walls to lose their elasticity due

Arrhythmias are abnormal heart rhythms that are produced when the natural electrical conduction system of the heart malfunctions. Not all arrhythmias pose health risks. For instance,